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These are unprecedented times for businesses. Regardless of their size or sector, COVID-19 poses a whole new range of risks and economic challenges for them to overcome. We are here for our clients, and alongside them to help find solutions and manage the risks they are exposed to both now, and in the aftermath of the global pandemic.

The situation is very fluid, with new updates from Government sources and others appearing frequently. So there seem to be some light at the end of the tunnel. Numbers of deaths are apparently falling almost everywhere across Europe, as are the number of new infections. There is even talk, now, in some countries taking the first tentative steps towards lifting the lockdown. Our experts are monitoring developments and will be providing regular commentary. The latest update from our Group Chairman & CEO, Gerard Baltazar, is available here.

We are here to support you in any way we can, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

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